Xiangkai Zeng

Jeremiah Rittenhouse

Tao Liu
The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is proud to announce the outstanding achievements of three exceptional Ph.D. students from Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Xiangkai Zeng and Jeremiah Rittenhouse have been named the recipients of the 2023-2024 CEC Dean’s Graduate Educator Awards in recognition of their exceptional dedication to teaching and mentoring undergraduate students. Xiangkai and Jeremiah have demonstrated a passion for sharing their knowledge and experience with their peers, and their contributions have had a significant impact on the education and training of our students.
We are also proud to announce that Tao Liu has been awarded the 2023-2024 CEC Dean’s Ph.D. Scholar Award in recognition of his scholarly excellence among the most productive Ph.D. students. Tao has been focusing his research on in-situ infrared thermographic inspection for the metal additive manufacturing process.
The Dean’s Graduate Educator Awards and the Dean’s Ph.D. Scholar Awards are both prestigious honors that recognize outstanding Ph.D. students who have made significant contributions to the education and research missions of the College of Engineering and Computing. The awards involved a highly rigorously competitive two-tier selection process, where each of the CEC departments independently selected up to three nominees for the college to consider. The process involved a committee, representing a minimum of five tenured faculty from each department and one Full Curator’s Professor to serve as the selection committee, to conduct the selection process.
Please join us in congratulating Xiangkai Zeng, Jeremiah Rittenhouse, and Tao Liu on their exceptional achievements. We are proud to have them as members of our community, and we look forward to seeing their continued success in the years to come.