Category: Awards

Exceptional talent recognized: winners of the Graduate Research Showcase 2024 in MAE announced

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is proud to announce the outstanding winners of the Graduate Research Showcase 2024. Showcasing the remarkable talent and innovation in our department, these exceptional individuals have demonstrated exemplary research prowess and academic excellence. Oral Presentation Category: Poster Presentation Category: The Graduate Research Showcase serves as a platform for…

2024 MAE Future Research Pioneers Program (FRPP) awardees revealed

We are thrilled to unveil the remarkable recipients of the MAE Future Research Pioneers Program (FRPP) for the 2024 academic year. The FRPP is dedicated to identifying and supporting outstanding undergraduate students who exhibit significant potential as future research pioneers in the dynamic fields of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. The FRPP Awardees for 2024 are:…

Zeng, Rittenhouse, and Liu honored with prestigious CEC awards

Xiangkai Zeng Jeremiah Rittenhouse Tao Liu The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering is proud to announce the outstanding achievements of three exceptional Ph.D. students from Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Xiangkai Zeng and Jeremiah Rittenhouse have been named the recipients of the 2023-2024 CEC Dean’s Graduate Educator Awards in recognition of their exceptional dedication to teaching and…

S&T innovators excel at MOCAP: advancing the frontier of energy storage and electric vehicle technology

Picture of the winners

The Missouri S&T team, comprising of Tazdik Patwary Plateau (Ph.D. student), Kiernan O’Boyle (Ph.D. student), Mackenzie Hilburn (Junior) and Dr. Jonghyun Park (Associate Professor in MAE), competed in Missouri Center for Advanced Power Summit (MOCAP), where graduate and undergraduate students from Missouri S&T, University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri State University, and Missouri Southern State University…

4 MAE faculty honored for outstanding teaching, service, experiential learning

Awardees group picture

Four faculty members from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Missouri S&T were commended for their significant achievements in teaching, service, and experiential learning. This recognition took place during an awards banquet on December 6, held on campus. The Service Learning Award recognizes faculty who involve or influence undergraduate students in academic service learning or…

MAE faculty and staff honored with CEC awards

Dean and faculty awardees

The College of Engineering and Computing presented its fall 2023 awards during a ceremony at the Havener Center on Dec. 6. In addition, Dr. David Borrok, CEC dean, recognized new faculty and staff members. Dr. Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe, the college’s associate dean for academic affairs, recognized Dean’s Educator and Dean’s Scholar awardees. The Dean’s Educator Award…

8 researchers at S&T Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering among top 2% cited scientists in their fields for career or single-year impact

picture of 8 top 2% scientists currently working at MAE

A total of 8 current faculty of Missouri S&T Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering are among the top researchers in their field as measured by their career research records, and 4 researchers were among the best in their fields in 2022, according to a recent analysis of standardized citation indicators of the Elsevier Data Repository published…

Dr. Serhat Hosder named James A. Drallmeier Centennial Professor

Ed Gerding, president of S&T’s Academy of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers, presents Dr. Serhat Hosder a plaque commemorating the James A. Drallmeier Centennial Professorship. The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department is proud to announce Dr. Serhat Hosder as the inaugural holder of the James A. Drallmeier Centennial Professorship, an accolade celebrating Dr. James A. Drallmeier’s…

AMAE recognizes students with scholarships, GTA awards

The Academy of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers announced the recipients of scholarships and graduate teaching assistant awards during its 28th Annual Induction Ceremony. The awards were presented to the following deserving recipients at the Oct. 26 event: Past Presidents’ Scholarship McGovern Scholarship Award AMAE Scholarships Graduate Teaching Awards…

AMAE recognizes leadership, mentorship in senior design

The S&T Academy of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers announced the recipients of its senior design awards at the 28th annual induction ceremony on Thursday, Oct. 26. Hunter Boswell, a doctoral student in aerospace engineering, received the Senior Design Leadership Award. Boswell is a third-year doctoral student studying near-shore wave breaking dynamics as part of the…